Worgagba Fabric Abstract

Cookie Policy

Thank you for visiting www.AfriqueFabriqueLondon.co.uk (“Our Website”).

This cookie notice applies to Our Website, any website or branded pages on third party platforms (e.g. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest) and applications accessed or used through such websites or platforms which are operated by or on behalf of Afrique Fabrique London (AfFab Websites).

By using AfFab Websites, you are consenting to our use of cookies and other tracking technology in accordance with this notice. If you do not agree to our use of cookies and other tracking technology in this way, you should set your browser settings accordingly or not use AfFab Websites.

If you disable cookies that we use, this may impact your user experience while on AfFab Websites.

What are cookies are, and why they are in use?

A cookie is a tiny text file that gets stored on an electronic device (laptops, tablets, mobiles etc) when the device is used to browse or view website pages on the internet. The information stored therein may be returned to our servers or to the servers of the relevant third parties during a subsequent visit.

Cookies are used for various reasons – generally these can be categorized into 2 distinct groups:

  1. To provide the user a personalized and more streamlined experience of their web interactions.
  2. To provide the website owner – and in some cases 3rd parties, statistics about how web pages are utilized, to further improve the first goal stated above.

Some cookies may last on the device stored for a defined period of time, such as one day or until you close your browser. Others may last indefinitely.

What are scripts, and why are they are in use?

A script is a piece of programme code that is used to make our website function properly and interactively. This code is executed on our server or on your device.

What is a webbeacon, and why are they are in use?

A web beacon (or a pixel tag) is a small, invisible piece of text or image on a website that is used to monitor traffic on a website. In order to do this, various data about you is stored using web beacons.

Obtaining your Consent

When you visit our website for the first time, we will show you a pop-up with an explanation about cookies. As soon as you click on “Accept”, you consent to us using all cookies and plug-ins as described in the pop-up and this cookie statement.

You can reset consent previously given by clicking on the “Revoke Cookies” button at the bottom of all pages. You can also disable the use of cookies via your browser, but please note that our website may no longer work properly.

Third parties

The 3rd parties with whom we engage with or utilise their products all have robust policies to facilitate the protection of their client’s privacy at the same time as adhering to the statutory and regulatory requirements of the law of their country or the countries that their site visitors come from. . However, we cannot guarantee that these third parties are fully compliant in practice. Parties such as Google are to be considered as independent data controllers within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation. We recommend that you read the privacy statements of these companies.

What types of cookies we use

Technical or functional cookies

Some cookies ensure that certain parts of the website work properly and that your user preferences remain known. By placing functional cookies, we make it easier for you to visit our website. This way, you do not need to repeatedly enter the same information when visiting our website and, for example, the items remain in your shopping cart until you have paid. We may place these cookies without your consent.

Advertising cookies

We do not use any advertising cookies on this website.

Social media buttons

On our website we have included buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest to promote interactions and engagement (e.g. “like”, “pin”) or share (e.g. “tweet”) on social media networks – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. These buttons work using pieces of code coming from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest themselves. This code places cookies. These social media buttons can also store and process certain information, so a personalized advertisement can be shown to you.

Please read the privacy statement of these social networks (which can change regularly) to better understand what they do with your (personal) data which they process using these cookies. The data that is retrieved is anonymized as much as possible. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest are located in the United States.

Cookies placed in your device’s browser

PHP Session ID
Purpose: Storing user data across pages for functional purposes
Retention period: Store data for users to use in the web application
Description: Sessions are a simple way to store data for individual users against a unique session ID. Session IDs are sent to the browser via session cookies and the ID is used to retrieve existing session data
Used names Sharing
PHPSESSID , _ga, _gat, _gid Privacy statement
Purpose: Gathers information for our own, first party analytics tool about how our services are used. A collection of internal metrics for user activity, used to improve user experience.
jetpackState – Stores a randomly-generated anonymous ID. This is only used within the admin area and is used for general analytics tracking.  
Retention period: Session
Used names Sharing
tk_tc, tk_qs, tk_ai, jetpackState Privacy statement
Purpose: This cookie is placed to keep track of sales, shopping cart items.
Retention period: 365 days
Description: This cookie is placed to keep track of sales, shopping cart items.
Used names Sharing
wc_cart_hash_xxxxxx, wpwoocommerce_session_xxxxxx, woocommerce_recently_viewed, woocommerce_items_in_cart, woocommerce_cart_hash, wp_woocommerce_session_xxxxxx Privacy statement
GDPR Plugin
Purpose: The GDPR plugin is a plugin that places cookies to help DPOs in making a website compliant.
Retention period: 365 days
Description: The GDPR plugin is a plugin that places cookies to help DPOs in making a website compliant.
Used names Sharing
gdpr, gdpr[consent_types], gdpr[allowed_cookies], gdpr[privacy_bar], cookie_notice_accepted, cookies_accepted, gdpr[privacy_bar, gdpr[allowed_cookies, gdpr[consent_types Privacy statement
Purpose: WordPress log in cookie
Retention period: 30 days
Description: Cookie to keep you logged in
Used names Sharing
_wordpress_ Privacy statement
Purpose: This cookie is used to be able to pay by PayPal.
Retention period: 365 days
Description: This cookie is used to be able to pay by PayPal.
Used names Sharing
__paypal_storage__ Privacy statement
Purpose: Personalised advertisements
Retention period: 1 year
Description: Facebook uses cookies to target users with personalised advertisements
Used names Sharing
fbm_, actppresence, sb, csm, c_user, frstxs, datr, _fbp Privacy statement
Purpose: Target users with personalised ads
Retention period: 1 year
Description: Twitter tracks users to target them with personalised ads
Used names Sharing
metrics_token Privacy statement
Purpose: Personalised advertisements
Retention period: 1 year
Description: Instagram uses cookies to target users with personalised advertisements
Used names
fbm_, actppresence, sb, csm, c_user, frstxs, datr, _fbp Privacy statement
Google Fonts
Purpose: Display of fonts on our website
Retention period: 365 days
Description: We use the Google Fonts API to display fonts on our website. The Google fonts API requests your IP address when visiting our website.
Used names
tcb_google_fonts Privacy statement
Google Recaptcha
Retention period: 
Used names Sharing
NID Privacy statement

Your rights with respect to personal data

You have the following rights with respect to your personal data:

  • You have the right to know why your personal data is needed, what will happen to it, and how long it will be retained for.
  • Right of access: You have the right to access your personal data that is known to us.
  • Right to rectification: you have the right to supplement, correct, have deleted or blocked your personal data whenever you wish.
  • If you give us your consent to process your data, you have the right to revoke that consent and to have your personal data deleted.
  • Right to transfer your data: you have the right to request all your personal data from the controller and transfer it in its entirety to another controller.
  • Right to object: you may object to the processing of your data. We comply with this, unless there are justified grounds for processing.

To exercise these rights, please contact us. Please refer to the contact details at the bottom of this cookie statement. If you have a complaint about how we handle your data, we would like to hear from you, but you also have the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority (the Data Protection Authority).

Disabling or Deleting cookies on your devices

For detailed information on how to delete or disable cookies on different browsers and platforms, please follow this link AboutCookies.org or simply click on your browser settings help function.

Google also provide a web browser add-on that allows users to easily opt out of Google Analytics tracking cookies on websites visited. Follow this link to download.

Or you can indicate your preferences on the following page: www.youronlinechoices.eu.

Please ensure that your computer setting reflects whether you are happy to accept cookies or not. You can set your browser to warn you before accepting cookies, or you can simply set it to refuse them, although you may not have access to all the features of this website if you do so.

Also, remember that if you use different devices  in different locations, you will need to ensure that each device browser is adjusted to suit your cookie preferences.

DPO Contact Details

Data Protection Officer
Afrique Fabrique London
91 Masons Avenue

This cookie statement was last updated on August 15, 2019 and applies to citizens of the European Economic Area.