Our Collaborators

We obtain the beautiful handwoven fabrics we use from source. Some are current designs and some are unused vintage stock remnants, lovingly stored.  We have revitalised and re-purposed these fabrics to create the stunning pieces you see in our on-line shop.

We will always introduce and promote the artisans who design and produce these amazing fabrics. They inspire us to showcase their work and introduce these wonderful textiles to wider audience. 

Meet the guys from Accra!

Master Weaver (ATMEK)

Bob Dennis Ahiagble and Jimmy Amegayie are young master weavers. They have exhibited their work both in Ghana and in Europe. As children in a family of weavers, they learned the traditions and techniques of Ewe Kente weaving under the guide and supervision of their father, Gilbert Bobbo Ahiagble.

Bob and Jimmy have set up a weaving organization called ATMEK (Authentic Traditional and Modern Ewe Kente). Atmek Kente production started as a hobby in Accra in 2001 with two workers but presently, we have a work force of 21 workers all trained by Atmek with an artistic bent to create unique patterns for Ewe Kente. Atmek has raised the standard of weaving locally, and has helped the under-privileged gained employment. We have also widened the scope of weaving by using recycled materials.

Bob (Dennis) – Master Weaver (ATMEK)

Bob has travelled many times to Denmark, Sweden and the UK where he held workshops at the Danish National Museum and the Nyvang Museum in Denmark .He has lectured and demonstrated at the Birmingham Museum; the Knitting and stitching shows and a lot more places in the UK. In 2003, Bob was recognised by UNESCO as one of the best young weavers in the research process, listing Kente as a tangible heritage.

Jimmy – Master Weaver (ATMEK)

In order to promote and keep the weaving industry alive, Bob has written a book titled “The pride of Ewe Kente”, which tells the history of Ewe Kente. Bob is coming up with his second book title soon: “Woven beauty, African’s heritage”

Jimmy has also been an ambassador for Ghanaian arts abroad, travelling to Canada where he lectured and demonstrated in Montreal and Toronto.

In 2010, Bob and Jimmy opened a weaving Academy with the goal of offering a quiet, welcoming learning environment for an international community of learners that fosters community living, encouraging skills development and creativity. All are welcome to share in the light of this vision.

Bob & Jimmy offer Workshops and Classes

Each student’s class is personalised to their interests. In addition to learning the technical aspects of weaving Kente cloth in our workshops, we also cover some of the theory and culture of weaving, including:

  • The history of Kente cloth.
  • The role of thread (colours) as a means of exploration.
  • The role that design has to offer in the fields of textiles.
  • Cultural differences and designs specific to the demands of various cultures.
  • The symbolic proverbs associated with some cloths, which are applicable to everyday life.

For more information about workshops for individuals or groups, please contact us, we would be happy to hear from you.